May 30, 2011

4. Internationales Fotobuch Festival

Internationales Fotobuch Festival
1. bis 5. Juni 2011
documenta-Halle Kassel

Vom 1. bis 5. Juni 2011 treffen sich Fotoliebhaber aus aller Welt beim 4. Internationalen Fotobuch Festival in Kassel, um der aktuellen Entwicklung des faszinierenden Mediums nachzugehen.
International renommierte Gäste sind eingeladen, um ihre Arbeit vorzustellen und mit den Besuchern ins Gespräch zu kommen. Wir laden Sie ein, sich durch Vorträge, Workshops, Screenings, Reviews, Ausstellungen, Messestände und di Präsentation unserer Awards inspirieren zu lassen.

Detail-Info hier:
und hier:

May 16, 2011

Tell Me Your Story, MiCamera books, Milan.

Paul Kranzler finished up the Fotohof Presentation at the MiCamera book shop with a workshop titled "Tell Me Your Story".

We spent 3 days with a group of interesting photographers talking about the ways to approach the narrative in a photographic series, using Paul's books as a staring point. Alongside the beautiful book shop, MiCamera is also a gallery space.

If you are in Milan, or one of the many book fairs this year, stop by MiCamera and meet Giulia and Flavio and check out there space.

Thanks Giulia and Flavio for the supportive month of Fotohof in Micamera and the weekend workshop hospitality.

Thanks Paul, for the talks and the football lessons,


May 05, 2011

FOTOHOF edition ladet ein zur Buchpräsentation: MICHAEL SCHÄFER - Vorbilder / Models

Am 6. Mai um 19.00 Uhr – in der Halle am Wasser – Invalidenstrasse 50-51 - Berlin

Begrüßung: Michael Mauracher
Einführung: Maren Lübbke-Tidow

In seinen drei neuesten Werkgruppen bedient sich der Berliner Künstler Michael Schäfer der computer­gestützten Bildmontage als Mittel einer inhaltlichen Bildstrategie, die auf Fragen der Repräsentation - verstanden als sozialer und politischer Habitus - abzielt.

In „Les Acteurs“ schlüpfen die Schüler eines deutschen Eliteinternats in ein Business Outfit und posieren als Manager. „Die Vorbilder“ sind Reinszenierungen von Pressebildern, auf denen Personen aus Politik und Wirtschaft zu sehen sind. „Die Redner“ greifen ganz explizit das Bildgenre des Rednerportraits auf. Das Buch verlässt das sichere Terrain der bloßen Abbildung der einzelnen Werke: Stattdessen zoomt Schäfer mittels eines komplexen Geflechts von Ausschnitten auf seine Bildwelten ein, wodurch das Buch eine autonome Struktur und Inhaltlichkeit erhält.

Paul Kranzler at Jo Van De Loo, Munich

There are 2 openings tonight.

Fotohof: Eva Schlegel, Franz Graf, Manfred Wakolbinger

And the Grand Opening of the gallery Jo Van De Loo in Munich is starting off with a
show of BRUT from Paul Kranzler.

April 26, 2011

Reisen ins Niemandsland - Kurt Kaindl

Einladung zur Ausstellungseröffnung:

Kurt Kaindl: Reisen ins Niemandsland - von Lübeck bis Triest - Fotografien am Rand des ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhangs.

Am Donnerstag den 28. April 2011 um 19.00 Uhr
In der Galerie Eboran, Ignaz Harrer Str. 19, 5020 Salzburg

April 15, 2011

Foto-Stipendien des Bundesministerium fuer Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur

Auslandsstipendien samt Atelierwohnung für künstlerische Fotografie in London, New York, Paris und Rom 2012/2013

Das bm:ukk bietet auch heuer wieder Auslandsstipendien für künstlerische Fotografie für 2012/2013 an. Atelierwohnungen werden in London, New York, Paris und Rom angemietet. Das Atelier, sowie ein Stipendium wird den Künstlerinnen drei Monate zur Verfügung gestellt.
Die Einreichungen sind ab sofort bis spätestens 31. August 2011 möglich.

Mehr dazu unter:
Bewerbungsformular unter:

Ausschreibung eines Auslandsstipendiums für für Video- und Medienkunst im Banff Centre, Kanada 2012

Auf Vorschlag einer unabhängigen Jury wird ein Künstler/eine Künstlerin mit einem konkreten Projekt ausgewählt. Mit der Zusage sind ein Stipendium in der Höhe von EUR 2.000.- und die Erstattung der Reisekosten verbunden, die Kosten für den Aufenthalt (Atelier, Wohnen, Essen) sind ebenfalls abgedeckt.
Im bm:ukk erstellt eine Jury die Vorauswahl, definitive Entscheidung liegt beim Banff Centre.
Einreichungen sind ab sofort bis spätestens 31. Mai 2011 (es gilt der Poststempel) an das Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Abteilung V/1, Concordiaplatz 2, 1014 Wien zu senden.

Mehr dazu unter:
Bewerbungsformular unter:

April 06, 2011

New show opening on Thursday May 5. Franz GRAF, Eva SCHLEGEL, Manfred WAKOLBINGER

Manfred Walkolbinger

Eva Schlegel

Franz Graf

On Thursday May 5th we will open a show of the multimedia artists Franz Graf, Eva Schlegel and Manfred Walkolbinger.

Franz GRAF presents a series of Polaroid portraits of his students and various visitors to his class at the art academy in Vienna from 2000-2006. The name of the person is then written onto the Polaroid object as a graphical element, creating a dialog between the two levels of identity; the written symbol and the photographic image.

Eva SCHLEGEL has spent the last years contemplating the metaphor of "flying and falling", most recently in her single person show "In Between" in the Viennese Museum of Applied Arts. Fotohof is showing a selection of her large format screen prints on lead, a material which is both extremely heavy yet soft, reflecting the symbolic polarity in her images; heaven and earth, success and failure...

Manfred WALKOLBINGER is showing his film "Galaxies 1-4" as well as photographs which are at the heart of this animation. It deals with underwater images of creatures which Wakolbinger presents as science fiction creations. An homage of sorts on his "heroes" Jodorowsky, Lynch and the mountain societies of the Toroja in central Sulawesi, Wakolbinger photographs in the waters of the Indonesia which hold a certain relevance in the development of mammals and thus mankind.

Opening: Thursday, 5. May 2011, 7 pm

Words: Edelbert Köb

At 9pm a DJ Performance by Franz Pomassl / Party

Exhibition rums from 6. May until 18. June 2011

Fotohof at MiCamera, Milan. Books on Display


BOOKS on display

Exhibition by Paul Kranzler

For one month, starting April 6th and going until May 7th,
MiCamera in Milan is featuring the

Alongside the entire catalogue of Fotohof publications there is also an exhibition by Paul Kranzler, featuring a selection of work from each of his 3 monographic books which have been published by Fotohof.

APRIL 6_7pm: Michael Mauracher and Birgit Sattlecker introduce FOTOHOF. Opening reception.

MAY 7: finissage with Paul Kranzler and Andrew Phelps

MAY 6-7-8: Tell me your story. Workshop with Kranzler, with the supervision of Andrew Phelps

If you are in Milano, stop by and see Italy's most important shop for photography books.

MiCamera – photography and lens-based arts

Via Medardo Rosso 19

20159 Milan, Italy

ph/fax +39.02.45481569

March 04, 2011

New show opening on Tuesday, March 8th.

Anatoliy Babiychuk


Anatoliy Babiychuk, Anna Barfuss, Adrian Buschmann, Selma Doborac, Karine Fauchard, Julian Feritsch, Manfred Hubmann, Ludwig Kittinger & Fernando Mesquita, Lazar Lyutakov, Anja Manfredi, Christoph Meier, Julia Müller-Maenher, Wolfgang Obermair und Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Georg Petermichl, Max Schaffer, Antoine Turillon, Franz Zar, Marcin Zarzeka

Martin Vesely (Kurator)

Exhibition opening: Tuesday, 8 March 2011, 7 pm

Introduction: Andreas Spiegl, Vienna

Duration: 9 March to 30 April 2011

Photography is explored here at its margins under the curatorial eye of Martin Vesely at the Galerie Fotohof…

“(…) What are the essential characteristics of photography?

The lens itself sees nothing; it perceives vicariously. The transfer occurs by means of a (technical) apparatus, a construct. The incoming density, the information is replicated on a medium in analogue or digital form.

It is only in the short timeframes of the exposure itself that the photograph is allowed to exist as a photograph, with this partial loss of control capturing the photograph’s auratic nature.

Too much is indeterminately recorded in that empty space, at first without meaning, the informal having the opportunity to be borne to the surface, the emanation of the referent (Roland Barthes) shown by means of an imprint, a track.

The reference speculates with knowledge, as it were, wanting to be decoded, with the past updated only in the act of contemplation. Mistrust is always apposite, for too many factors impact the process of creation.

Index, track, imprint, referentiality, technical reproducibility – these are all terms which are now deeply embedded in our theoretical vocabulary, terms which admittedly are debated first and foremost in photography and the theory of photography, but which from the very outset also served as fundamental parameters of art and aesthetics in general.” (…)

Martin Vesely

February 16, 2011

Sigrid Kurz - Galerie der Stadt Salzburg, Feb. 23rd.

Sigrid Kurz

Sigrid Kurz

Opening in the Museum Pavilion, Vogelhaus in Mirabellgarten
Wednesday Feb. 23, 7 pm

Opening talk by Margit Zuckriegl.

February 08, 2011

Ilse Haider - MdM Rupertinum

Ilse Haider has been awarded the Otto-Breicha-Preis for photography.

The Rupertinum in Salzburg is hosting an exhibitoin of Ilse's work until April 10.

Wiener Philhamoniker Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg

January 26, 2011

Three Masters of Color Photography - Berlin

Three Masters of Color Photography" - Only Photography Berlin

The photographs of Joachim Brohm, Luigi Ghirri, and Stephen Shore

are included in this exhibition space of Roland Angst in Berlin.

Niebuhrstr, 78
D-10629 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 – 847 20 291

opening hours:
Tue - Fri 2 - 7 pm
Sa 11am - 4 pm

January 18, 2011

Gregor Sailer and "Alpine Desire" in NY.

Gregor Sailer, who has published 2 books with us, is part of the upcoming show "Alpine Desire" in the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York. The show will feature photographs from his "Ladiz" series.

The opening is on January 26th at 6pm.

There is an artist talk starting at 5pm, for which you will need an invitation, so get all the info here.

January 13, 2011

OPENING - Viviane Sassen. Tuesday, 18 Jan. 7 pm

Viviane Sassen, Now & Than, 2007,
courtesy the artist and Motive Gallery Amsterdam

Viviane Sassen, Menthe, 2010, courtesy the artist and Motive Gallery Amsterdam



Exhibition opening: Tuesday, 18 January 2011, 7 pm

Introduction: Prof. Peter Weiermair

Duration: 19 January 2011 – 5 March 2011

Vivien Sassen’s Flamboya cycles were created in places in Africa where she lived as a child. In these groups of works the Dutch photographer addresses issues such as the perception and reception of human images; their open concept is such that they can be situated within the context of both staged and documentary photography.

With the play of light and shadow and the use of colourful symbolism - Flamboya refers to a species of flowering plant or tree with a particularly flamboyant display of flowers - the scenes featuring her protagonists transpose them from their everyday lives to a surreal setting. Far from the West’s conventional clichés of the continent as a whole the artist succeeds, thanks in part to her personal history and identity, in reflecting herself in those standing before her and in inscribing herself in an archaic yet also highly contemporary image of Africa.

Viviane Sassen was born in 1972 in Amsterdam, where she lives and works. She is represented by Motive Gallery Amsterdam.

For more detailed information please visit and

Peter Weiermair, publicist, exhibition organiser and publisher, lives and works in Innsbruck, Frankfurt and New York.

Fotohof gratefully acknowledges the support of the Mondriaan Foundation Amsterdam.

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January 12, 2011

Inge Dick - 2 shows and a birthday celebration

from the seires Zinnober (Vermillion), 2010/25

Inge Dick, a long time friend and artist of Fotohof and one of the most important figures in the Austrian photography scene is celebrating her 70th birthday with new work being shown in 2 galleries in Germany.

Opening on Friday 14. January at 7 pm

Galerie Linde Hollinger, Ladenburg/Heidelberg
Opening Samstag, 15. january at 5 pm

With her photo projects – whether it be with large Polaroid cameras or with her new film project “Vermillion” shown in the exhibition “Lichtzeiten” (“Light Times”) at the Upper Austrian Landesmuseum (Linz, spring 2008) Inge Dick presents one of the most unusual positions in contemporary and experimental photography. New in her first film – shot in real time – is the documentation of the changing colour of a vermilion surface filmed between 7am and 8.30pm.

In her most recent photographic project, Inge Dick creates photographic images on the basis of the film, showing the sequences and changes in colour of the vermillion plate she had originally filmed. We are showing the first „stills“ in the exhibition.

Galerie Bender, München

Happy Birthday Inge!