April 06, 2011

New show opening on Thursday May 5. Franz GRAF, Eva SCHLEGEL, Manfred WAKOLBINGER

Manfred Walkolbinger

Eva Schlegel

Franz Graf

On Thursday May 5th we will open a show of the multimedia artists Franz Graf, Eva Schlegel and Manfred Walkolbinger.

Franz GRAF presents a series of Polaroid portraits of his students and various visitors to his class at the art academy in Vienna from 2000-2006. The name of the person is then written onto the Polaroid object as a graphical element, creating a dialog between the two levels of identity; the written symbol and the photographic image.

Eva SCHLEGEL has spent the last years contemplating the metaphor of "flying and falling", most recently in her single person show "In Between" in the Viennese Museum of Applied Arts. Fotohof is showing a selection of her large format screen prints on lead, a material which is both extremely heavy yet soft, reflecting the symbolic polarity in her images; heaven and earth, success and failure...

Manfred WALKOLBINGER is showing his film "Galaxies 1-4" as well as photographs which are at the heart of this animation. It deals with underwater images of creatures which Wakolbinger presents as science fiction creations. An homage of sorts on his "heroes" Jodorowsky, Lynch and the mountain societies of the Toroja in central Sulawesi, Wakolbinger photographs in the waters of the Indonesia which hold a certain relevance in the development of mammals and thus mankind.

Opening: Thursday, 5. May 2011, 7 pm

Words: Edelbert Köb

At 9pm a DJ Performance by Franz Pomassl / Party

Exhibition rums from 6. May until 18. June 2011

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