December 01, 2010

Book Presentation Dec. 8: POESIE, Susanne Huth in the Galerie Loris, Berlin.

On December 8th, the Gallery Loris in Berlin will be presenting the book POESIE from Susanne Huth. The text author Annett Groeschner will be there as well. the evening will be moderated by Elke Tesch.

Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst
Gartenstrasse 114
D-10115 Berlin

An entire generation has now passed since Germany’s reunification, and Susanne Huth has gone in search of the East Germany of her childhood; a search reflected in the artist’s architecture photographs, but also in the sweet reproductions of the poetry album of her childhood, which in a subtly poetic way already hinted at political resistance. Recollections of an age where a verse by Goethe or a glittering sticker could represent a form of passive resistance.

Susanne Huth has worked with the art book medium on several occasions already, but mostly only in the form of unique copies or entirely hand-made editions. Poesie [Poetry] is her first book publication. In her essay Poesiealbum Magdeburg-Nord, Berlin author Annett Gröschner explores the relationship between public and private, again from an historical-autobiographical perspective.

FOTOHOF edition 2010, Band 143:

Susanne Huth


Text von / text by Annett Gröschner (dt. / engl.)

2010, Hardcover, Leinen / linen

19 x 14 cm, 64 Seiten / pages

48 Farbabbildungen / color plates

edition: 500

ISBN 978-3-902675-43-9

€ 25

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