December 08, 2010

New Release: BRUT, Paul Kranzler

Paul Kranzler


Authors: Franzobel, Paul Kranzler
Language: Deutsch / Englisch
Format: 24 x 30 cm
ISBN: 978-3-902675-34-7
Price: 39.00 €

FOTOHOF edition 2010, Vol. 134

Brut is the third title from Paul Kranzler in the Fotohof edition. Following his Land of Milk and Honey, and Tom, this book is Paul's look at his own extended family. By traveling through Austria, searching for what it means to be part of a "clan" Paul delivers us not only an extended self-portrait but a glimpse of the middle-working-class Austrian life.

“These are images of places and people I have known for a long time, whether related by blood or otherwise. And places and people who know those I know, and also people who I don’t know in places I have known for a long time. You become the way you are in your own environment. Relatives are an integral part of the genetic environment, and people, to whom you are not related and who become your relatives are always your closest environment.
Indeed the people, places and landscapes of your own environment are always the most photographed motif in the world. Once you have been in a particular environment for a long time, it becomes your “home”, your “relationship”, your “family”, your “homeland”, your “cemetery”, your “prison”, etc. Perhaps one’s personal environment is four-dimensional: the three dimensions of space plus the fourth dimension, i.e. the emotion inherent to that (living/human) space.”

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